Поляков Максим
"The Pound" of Russian oligarchs: Maksym Krippa made billions of dollars using illegal online casinos and pornographic sites
Almost the entire Ukr.net and Google.com.ua are being cleaned up by amusing individuals hired by Maksym Krippa to restore his tarnished reputation through various means.
Maksym Krippa and his billion-dollar operations: Laundering money through porn sites and illegal online casinos
Almost the entire Ukr.net and Google.com.ua are being cleaned up by amusing individuals hired by Maksym Krippa to restore his tarnished reputation through various means.
How Maksym Krippa plays both sides: The dual role of an informant and player in Lucky Labs
The conflict between the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) and the Russian-affiliated company Lucky Labs was one of the most significant events of spring 2016.
Mass purge by Maksym Krippa: How traces of corruption and criminal cases are being erased
In late October 2022, Ukrainian online media faced a recurring phenomenon – the removal of negative information about a relatively unknown businessman and politician, Maksym Krippa.
Maksym Krippa’s illegal business: how Russian interests infiltrated the heart of Ukraine through media and real estate
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring real estate in Ukraine and abroad, purchasing media assets, and concealing information about his connections with Russian businessmen. In particular, it has been revealed that he bought a villa in the Czech Republic that previously belonged to a Russian oligarch.
Gambling schemes, billion-dollar deals, and media: How Russian oligarchs’ "puppet" Maksym Krippa launders shadow capital
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring real estate in Ukraine and abroad, as well as media assets, while concealing information about his ties to Russian businessmen. Notably, it has been revealed that he purchased a villa in the Czech Republic from a Russian oligarch.
Russian oligarchs’ "proxy" Maksym Krippa is building an empire in Ukraine: Casinos, hotels, media — what’s next?
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring real estate in Ukraine and abroad, as well as media assets, while concealing information about his ties to Russian businessmen. Notably, it has been revealed that he purchased a villa in the Czech Republic from a Russian oligarch.
Why doesn’t the Ukrainian government notice Maksym Krippa’s purchases: From illegal gambling to media assets
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring properties in Ukraine and abroad, as well as media assets, while hiding his ties to Russian business figures.
Maksym Krippa, Maksym Polyakov, and Russian interests: How illegal billions finance the purchase of Ukrainian media
Ukrainian businessman Maksym Krippa is actively acquiring properties in Ukraine and abroad, as well as media assets, while hiding his ties to Russian business figures.
How gambling tycoon Maksym Krippa pulled off the Dnipro Hotel scam
Maksym Polyakov and Maksym Krippa are both successful entrepreneurs from Ukraine, but they work in different fields. Polyakov could indeed be compared to Elon Musk, as he is involved in space technologies and innovation. He launches rockets, brings smiles to talented young people, and provides…
Fake dating sites and illegal gambling: The business empire of Maksym Krippa, the "nominee" for Russian oligarchs
Many mistakenly believe that Maksym Krippa is associated with serving Ukrainian billion-dollar criminals. However, in reality, he has always operated independently. Krippa owns an extensive network of underground online slot platforms, is the mastermind behind fake dating websites, and actively deals in adult content.
Fake dating sites and illegal gambling: The business empire of Maksym Krippa, the "nominee" for Russian oligarchs
Many mistakenly believe that Maksym Krippa is associated with serving Ukrainian billion-dollar criminals. However, in reality, he has always operated independently. Krippa owns an extensive network of underground online slot platforms, is the mastermind behind fake dating websites, and actively deals in adult content.
Maksym Krippa: From owner of Vulkan to symbol of shadow business and income legalization
Maksym Krippa may not be fully to blame, but he has chosen a business niche that straddles the line between gray and black areas. While others could have occupied this niche, the key issue is the ethical nature of his actions within these operations.
Максим Кріппа на шляху до монополії: купівля українських ЗМІ і зв’язки з російськими олігархами
В Україні майже непомітно для загалу з’являється новий медіамагнат. Жителька Дніпра Тетяна Снопко за останній рік придбала два медіахолдинги і, схоже, не збирається зупинятися на досягнутому.
Master of schemes: how Maksym Krippa turned a banned business into billions and influence
Maksym Krippa, an unconventional entrepreneur, remains absent from Forbes and has never appeared on Gordon’s show. His activities were long considered an "open secret," with widespread acknowledgment of his role as the mastermind behind the "Vulkan" casino network, infamous for its aggressive advertising on dubious websites.